Three Circles of Training

by Nick Lowry Been thinking lately about a three tier curriculum for our dojo– at first was considering the the standard beginner, intermediate, and advanced idea but that seemed a little clumsy, linear and hierarchical — and would probably lead … Read More

Still Smiling

by Nick Lowry So a friend today told me that my old sensei is a much better choice for aikido training for him than I am because “He will give me answers.” He went on, “….when i ask you and … Read More

Renshu and Keiko

As we train and practice seemingly endless repetitions of budo techniques day after day after year after year, as we pour our lives into the container of our chosen art, we inevitably find our actions and our lives being shaped and honed and turned toward an edge that transcends all that we know.

Budo: From Force to Gentleness

Violence will solve some problems but gentleness will solve all of them. Force has its place, we do achieve effects but employing violence, that much is undeniable, but when the use of force becomes adopted as the default strategy for responding to anxiety, then we fall prey to a pernicious and avoidable cycle.