Koryu Dai Ni Notes

from Patrick Parker

Koryu Dai Ni – 16 techniques – all tachiwaza and taijutsu – no suwariwaza or weapons techniques.

Section A1 – wrist grab variations

These first three state the themes that will be seen throughout… small footwork (think basketball traveling), powerful hip turning and shifting, stability, control instead of projection

  • katatedori katagatame (start thumb-down, r4, katagatame – like “thread the needle”)
  • ryotedori sokumen iriminage (r3 both sides, slip in with elbow, j3 or j4)
  • ryotedori iriminage (try preceding, golf swing, break the hinge, iriminage)

Section A2- ushirowaza

Four sets paired techniques, attacks alternate right-left, attacks get progressively closer/tighter

Ushiro Ryotemochi:
  • *kotegaeshi (L hand frees R hand, slide down L thigh, kotegaeshi)
  • *jujigarame nage (r5, back up, lock both wrists)
  • ushiro katate-eri-mochi:
  • *gyakugamaeate (push in hole, twist free, return with j3 or j4)
  • *oshitaoshi (push in hole, duck under collar hand, oshitaoshi)
  • ushiro ryokatamochi:
  • *tenkaikotehineri (when released, r hand grabs uke’s left, tenkai)
  • *kotegaeshi (when released, l hand grabs uke’s right, kotegaeshi)
  • ushiro katate-kubishime:
  • *oshitaoshi nage (r5, mawashi, back up, oshitaoshi)
  • *jujigarami nage (r5, switch hand, hineri, pick up other hand, juji)

Section B – yokomenuchi

These are interesting because the “normal condition” appears to be intercepting the incoming strike in a position of weakness – then the last two are adjustments to “fix” when you start to intercept in a position of power.

  • Ukiotoshi (enter opposite, tenkan, r4, hot potato, otoshi)
  • Kokyunage (enter opposite, pivot, flywheel, otoshi like in owaza)
  • Shomenate (evade opposite, enter same-footed, shomenate)
  • Sukashinage (begin to enter same-footed, drop at back knee)
  • Hikiotoshi (enter same-footed, switch feet, retreat same-footed)

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