This blog features all things budo – aikido, judo, and jodo tips as well as general martial arts philosophy and advice. Writings from some of Kaze Uta Budo Kai’s finest teachers, students, and friends.

Jodo: Gyakute-Tsuki Double Poke

Jodo: Gyakute-Tsuki Double Poke

2 min read

This time we’re looking at gyakute-tsuki. The element to focus on is between the thrust and the strike. 1. Begin in normal honte-no-kamae posture. 2. Pushing with the bottom (in this case,…

Aikido: Backward Rolling

Aikido: Backward Rolling

2 min read

Kyle Sloan This week I wanted to look at rolling backward. One of my fellow students asked me how I go about doing it, and thought I’d share. There are two things…