The Seventeen: Aigamaeate

Jim Ellison (from Spiritual Gravity blog)

The second move in “The 17” is called aigamaeate. It roughly translates to forward posture strike. Aigamaeate is part of the atemi waza, or striking techniques. In this technique, tori’s objective is to first perform a balance break. The attacker’s arm moves up, as tori does a hand switch to control the attacker’s elbow. During this, tori’s other arm slides in to execute the throw. The following video demonstrates the aigamaeate technique as it is taught at our dojo.

Please note that these techniques involve some amount of falling. If you haven’t been trained on how to fall safely and properly, please practice these moves with extreme caution. Like any martial arts training, it’s possible for either partner to be thrown off-balance unexpectedly. Being able to fall safely can help prevent injuries.