Osae Komi Waza Videos

Pinning Techniques

Kesa Gatame — scarf hold

Kuzure Kesa Gatame — variation of scarf hold

Kata Gatame — shoulder hold

Kami Shiho Gatame — top four corner hold

Kuzure Kami Shiho Gatame — broken top four corner hold

Yoko Shiho Gatame — side four corner hold

Tate Shiho Gatame — straight four corner hold

Mune Gatame — chest hold

Shime Waza Videos

Choking Techniques

Nami Juji Jime — normal cross lock

Gyaku Juji Jime — reverse cross lock

Kata Juji Jime — half cross lock

Hadaka Jime — naked lock

Okuri Eri Jime — sliding collar lock

Kata Ha Jime — single wing lock

Katate Jime — one hand choke

Ryote Jime — two hand choke

Sode Guruma Jime — sleeve wheel choke

Tsukomi Jime — thrust choke

Sankaku Jime — triangular choke

Kansetsu Waza Videos

Joint Locking Techniques

Ude garami — entangled armlock

Ude hishigi juji gatame — cross armlock

Ude hishigi ude gatame — arm armlock

Ude hishigi hiza gatame — knee armlock

Ude hishigi waki gatame — armpit armlock

Ude hishigi hara gatame — stomach armlock

Ude hishigi ashi gatame — leg armlock

Ude hishigi te gatame — hand armlock

Ude hishigi sankaku gatame — triangular armlock

Working From the Guard

Lessons on working from the guard & passing the guard, details on controls, turnovers utilizing this position and more.

Turnovers and Turtles

Lessons on turnover actions to gain position, and how to deal with the turtle

Nei Waza Pointers

Nick Lowry

Ground work (working from the bottom– being pinned)

•Stop look listen—don’t rush—identify the situation
•Two hands in one spot—cross hand high when gripping
•Head up knees bent and close to your butt –work from the side of the back more than the flat of the back
•Use big toe to little toe and ball of foot movement
•Bridge in diagonal line –abs must engage to unify hip and shoulder line
•Symmetrically work bridge, shrimp, and reverse shrimp for turn under and turnover actions
•Use graduated resistance with a partner
•Escape work is primary—make them give up space or adjust — do all basic escapes until you no longer fear being pinned; internalize pinning from the bottom, then you can start offensive (topside) work

Ground work (working from top for the pin)

•Stop look listen—don’t rush—identify the situation
•Two hands in one spot—cross hand high when gripping
•Golden spike—hold one square inch of the guy –concentrate your pressure into smallest surface area possible
•Enclose with hips, elbows, knees, shoulders –toes stay live or inside edge of foot turns down to brace –knees and hips and head stay low
•Make HIM the weight bearing object, not the floor
•Work step through and ball for envelope transitions and work
pin to armbar to choke to pin- stay fluid

Ground work (from variety of positions–chokes)

•Learn the anatomy of the neck by feel
•Work with precision of position and correct surfaces (small edges) –don’t hold too much gi
•Remove all slack
•Wring the hands
•Hunch up shoulders
•Drive with the legs– power of choke should come from the whole body
•Work the variations of pulling and pushing and leg action chokes with gi and naked chokes

Groundwork (bottom side leg trapping and turnover — in your “guard”)

•Stop look listen—don’t rush—identify the situation
•Two hands in one spot—cross hand high when gripping
•One foot up one foot down—both in propping positions
•Feet stick to surfaces like glue
•Hands support the foot actions with pulling action (mostly)
•Hands can replace feet as props
•Practice egg beater for full range of motion
•Stretch him out to his weakness

Ground work (from top side for armbars)

•Work in the armbar line –line of the shoulders
•Let them happen—never force them
•Control the joint above the one you want to lock–control the shoulder to get the elbow
•Always work light for control, not pain
•Know your elbow anatomy by feel
•Primarily work armbar series repetitions for coil, reverse coil, straight and compression

Ground work (top side from single leg entangle)

•Knee up, elbows in
•Underhook his head to bow his body
•Shoulder in neck/ upper corner control
•Extract knee– methodically
•Peel out with free leg

Ground work (turtle)

•Avoid going into turtle– a purely defensive – panic position
•Offensive side –work variety of drills from different beginning positions and different configuiations to take advantage of the wek strategy
•Defensive side –work the armbar turn out from underneath